Author: Jenna Lynn Blaze Page 6 of 8


“I have decided to be happy, because it is good for my health.”


High Vibe is Healthy

We’re all spiritual beings having a human experience. Each of us has a divine purpose: some to create, some to heal, some to support. No one person is better than another. Just as each tree in the forest is important, each of us is important as well.

But we are so much more than we think we are. We are more than our day-to-day experiences, emotions, and thoughts. Joy comes when we are living our life purpose. But so often, we choose comfort over joy.

As we begin to understand who we really are, we are empowered to live from a higher place. It is our right, and our responsibility, to live from a higher frequency. Choosing to take even small steps to raise our vibration will begin to open doors of understanding and allow us to see and live our purpose.

Vibrational frequency is defined as the rate at which the atoms and sub-particles of a being or an object vibrate. The higher/faster the vibration, the closer it is to the frequency of light.

Everything we do, everything thought we think, and every word we speak, sends out a vibration that attracts to it an experience of like vibration. If we send out fear, we attract fear; if we send out love, we attract love. We create our own reality not with our thoughts per se, but with our vibration. Because you are responsible for your thoughts, you are also responsible for your experiences, even the ones that seem to be coincidental or accidental in nature.

The key points to remember are:

  • Energetic frequencies are in and around us.
  • By raising our personal vibration, we attract higher energies into our personal sphere.
  • We are in control of what happens to us. We regulate our frequency by the personal choices we make every day – what we focus on, what we think about, and how we live.
  • Illnesses come first from the energy field, before manifesting in to the physical body. The higher your vibration, the healthier you are.

In my next post, I will discuss how we can raise our frequency: on a physical level, a mental level, an emotional level, and a spiritual level.




“If I told patients to raise their blood levels of immune globulins or killer Tcells, no one would know how. But if I can teach them to love themselves and others fully, the same change happens automatically. The truth is: Love heals.”

-Bernie Siegel, MD

Energetic Healing

We are Energetic Beings. We are made of energy … in fact everything in the world is made of energy – molecules, bacteria, food and drink, supplements, medications … even emotions and thoughts have a frequency or energy signature. Each cell in your body pulses electrically, and the body itself emanates electromagnetic fields.

Eastern medicine has known this for centuries. This is a foundational principle of homeopathy as well. Over two hundred years ago, Samuel Hahnemann, German physician and founding father of homeopathy, taught that all disease is caused by energetic imbalances. Finally, science is catching up and is able to prove this with new science.

Work in this area has revealed that the energy frequency of a healthy cell has a different frequency from an unhealthy cell. Every problem, thought, and emotion has its own unique frequency. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D, former professor and cellular biologist at Stanford University, discovered that the most efficient way to heal any problem, whether it is physical, emotional, or systemic, is through changing its frequency by using energy treatments. Dr. Lipton has proven that our perceptions and beliefs shape and change our DNA.

People who are not healing (or not living an optimal life) hold a belief at the cellular level that the world is a dangerous place. Thus, most of their energy (this can be conscious or unconscious) is spent in self-protection and is not available for living at a high level. Various tools such as homeopathy, energy medicine, meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, sound and color therapy, among others, all increase vibration. Intentionally raising our personal vibration or frequency can have a profound on our life, other around us and in the world.






2 cups almond meal (or 1 ¾ cups almond flour and ¼ cup Millet flour)

½ c finely shredded unsweetened coconut

3 eggs

1 cup Native Forest coconut milk

2 T. coconut oil

1 apple, peeled and grated

¼ tsp fine Celtic or Himalayan salt

½ to 1 cup fresh or frozen organic cranberries (or other berries of choice)


  1. Add all ingredients (except cranberries) to blender and mix well
  2. Stir in ½ of cranberries
  3. Scoop 2 tablespoons of batter onto a medium griddle greased with coconut oil. Cover pancakes while cooking to help them cook evenly all the way through. Make sure the pancakes are browned well before flipping.


  • Syrup – I love maple syrup, however, I do try to limit sugar for myself and my family. I mix warmed coconut oil or cool/room temperature organic flaxseed oil with a small amount (about 1 tsp) maple syrup and pour over pancakes. This tastes sweet like syrup without all the sugar, but with the added benefits of the healthy oil.
  • Blueberries
  • Walnuts
  • Poached egg
  • Sliced avocado and a small dollop of pesto
  • Sliced avocado with dollop of lemon dill mayo
  • Dairy free yogurt and berries–unsweetened coconut or almond milk yogurt topped with raspberries is my current favorite

Adapted from Everyday Paleo by Sara Fragoso




Historically, the foods we ate had ample sulfur. However, since the industrialization of our food supply, our soils have been depleted of sulfur. Even organically grown foods will no longer provide our bodies with adequate levels of this mineral.

As an essential mineral, sulfur is needed for many functions in the body and to maintain optimal health.  Sulfur helps us detoxify and regenerate new tissue. It enables the transport of oxygen across cell membranes. Sulfur is also a precursor for the utilization of amino acids, the body’s building blocks. Without a constant supply of sulfur (it is not stored by the body, but is passed every 10-12 hours) we are, in effect, dying each day of cellular degeneration. This makes us much more susceptible to damage of toxins and environmental pollutants that seem to be everywhere in this modern world.

Organic sulfur assists the body in the following ways:

  • Jumpstarts the body’s detoxification (methylation) process; enables efficient detoxification of heavy metals and other environmental toxins
  • Improves oxygen levels in all the cells
  • Improves the utilization of amino acids in the body
  • Helps the body rid itself of excess oxalates
  • Ensures proper levels of enzymes (especially pancreatic)
  • Assists the body with making the hormone CCK, which leads to the release of oxytocin (a hormone that reduces stress and facilitates bonding, often lacking in people with autism)
  • Enables cellular regeneration and healing–even after years of being scarred or damaged
  • Improves cell membrane integrity, allowing cells to better absorb nutrients
  • Assists the body’s ability to rebalance and eliminate unhealthy pathogens (such as fungus and virus) since they cannot thrive in a high oxygen environment; improves a leaky gut
  • Helps production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, GABA, melatonin, dopamine, etc.
  • Improves production of glutathione, methionine, cysteine, taurine, etc.
  • Plays an important role in protecting the body from oxidative damage and radiation damage due to sun exposure and radiation treatments for cancer
  • Has the potential to help prevent and even assist in reversing neurological injuries such as Alzheimer’s disease
  • Improves the look of hair, skin, and nails because they consist of a tough protein composed in significant part of sulfur called keratin

Since 1999, ongoing studies have been conducted, taking feedback from organic sulfur consumers. Study participants have reported amazing benefits with the consistent use of organic sulfur. Here are a few:

  • Arthritis: Participants report much less pain and increased mobility, straightening of finger joints, resolution of internal scars tissue around joints.
  • Skin conditions: Reports of improved acne, psoriasis, rosacea, toenail fungus, burns, liver spots, and disorders associated with Lupus.
  • Diabetes: Sulfur deficiency interferes with glucose metabolism; organic sulfur is helpful because it is necessary in the production of insulin and other sulfur-based amino acids needed for the metabolism of carbohydrates.
  • ADD, ADHD, autism, hyperactivity, and depression are greatly relieved since organic sulfur acts as a mood elevator or stabilizer and helps the nervous system relax.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: Reports of decreased and/or eliminated symptoms of acid indigestion, GERD, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, and chronic constipation.
  • Cardiovascular: Participants have reported reduction of scar tissue, healing of high blood pressure, and the breakdown of calcium plaque in arteries.
  • Respiratory: Participants report resolution of lung symptoms such as allergies, asthma and emphysema.
  • Glaucoma: Participants report relief of intraocular pressure and cellular regeneration of the “drainage” system at the inner base of the iris.
  • Liver regeneration: one participant who had suffered with Hepatitis C for 25 years reported complete liver regeneration from taking 2 tablespoons organic sulfur twice daily for 15 months.
  • Hair: Participants have reported a return from gray/white hair to their natural color; others have reported a reversal of hair loss.
  • Teeth and gums: Participants report renewed health in teeth and gums. When used as an additive to toothpaste, organic sulfur appears to eliminate plaque build-up on teeth, regenerate gums and tighten loose teeth.
  • Headaches and migraines have been alleviated over time.
  • Osteoporosis has been reported to respond well to the ongoing use of organic sulfur.

It is important to note that organic sulfur does not treat the specific diseases listed in this post. Instead, it allows for renewed and revitalized cellular oxygenation. It opens the door to cellular energy and provides a smooth pathway for cellular regeneration. This helps the body increase its vitality so it can do what it was designed to do by our Creator: to strengthen itself to release toxins, to drain away cellular debris, to regenerate new cells, and to heal.

Some people worry about having an allergic reaction or sensitivity to sulfur. Allergy to sulfur is not possible as it is an integral element of our body. In fact, approximately 0.25 percent of our total body weight is sulfur. Often, when a person is sensitive to sulfur (becomes irritated and itchy on sulfur containing products like MSM or Epsom Salt Baths) s/he is actually reacting to the synthetic ingredients mixed with the sulfur.

very small number of individuals experience detoxification symptoms (headache, flu-like symptoms, etc.) when they first begin taking sulfur. It is best to start slowly at the proper amount for each individual. Muscle testing or applied kinesiology for the proper starting dose is very helpful. The homeopathic remedy Sulfur or another specific remedy indicated by the individual’s symptoms is also a way to introduce sulfur with minimal detoxification symptoms.  

A Better Way Organic Sulfur has benefited the health of my clients and allowed for more efficient healing. Here is what makes it different from other sulfur products on the market:

  • It has no fillers preservatives or anti-caking additives – the Organic Sulfur study has demonstrated that the variety of fillers found in the other retail MSM products have resulted in significantly decreased healing effects
  • No added silica – Silica which is also added to MSM products has been reported to block the body’s energy and makes the sulfur less efficient
  • Not processed
  • 100% biologically available to the body
  • 99.4%-99.6% pure range and is offered in its naturally occurring large flake form.

It is important to note that A Better Way Organic Sulfur must be ingested with non-chlorinated water. Chlorinated water will render the sulfur much less effective.

I am grateful for the benefits I receive from the use of Organic Sulfur. Consider trying it for yourself.




“Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness; touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.”

-Frederick Buechner


Raw cultured vegetables have been around for thousands of years. The fermented vegetables are: rich in lactobacilli and enzymes, alkaline-forming, and loaded with vitamins.

Cultured vegetables are made by shredding vegetables, adding a culture starter, and then packing them tightly into a sterilized, airtight, glass container. They are left to ferment at room temperature for 5 days or longer. Friendly bacteria naturally present in the vegetables quickly lower the pH, making a more acidic environment so the bacteria can reproduce. The vegetables become soft, delicious, and have a slightly pickled taste.

You can benefit by adding cultured vegetables to your diet because they:

  • Help re-establish a healthy inner ecosystem.
  • Stimulate digestion and ensure your food moves through your digestive tract with ease. Cultured vegetables are pre-digested through the fermentation process and are easy for the body to digest.
  • Are alkalizing and very cleansing. They help restore balance if your body is in a toxic, acidic condition.
  • Promote healthy skin and anti-aging.

Sunshine Blend Cultured Vegetables

  • 1 pound organic carrots, scrubbed and trimmed
  • 1 bunch golden beets, peeled
  • 1 large or 2 small sweet potatoes
  • 2 medium onions, peeled
1-2 organic cucumbers
  • 1 bunch celery, cleaned and trimmed
½ bunch cilantro, washed and drained, stems removed
  • 1 large or 2 small heads of cabbage, washed (make sure to hold aside at least one leaf of cabbage for each jar of cultured veggies)
  • fresh grated ginger to taste
  • 1 Granny Smith apple
  • honey
Body Ecology culture starter
  • distilled water or RO water
  • 3 or 4 mason jars (1 quart each)
food processor
cutting board
good vegetables knives
1-2 large bowls (you can also use a large stock pot)
1 small glass bowl and some honey for the culture starter (do not use a metal bowl or utensils)
1 large pot of boiling water, optional (for sterilizing all equipment)
several clean kitchen towels


  1. Fill a large pot with water and start heating to bring water to a boil. (Boiling water will be used to sterilize the mason jars!)
  2. While the water is heating, gather together all the equipment and vegetables.  Trust me, this will save you a lot of time!
  3. Sterilize your mason jars and lids by placing in the boiling water for a few seconds. Using long tongs, dip each piece into the water.  Set aside the jars and lids (right side up so that air can get in) on a clean towel for the water to jar
  4. In a small bowl add a packet of Body Ecology culture starter to tepid (about 92 degrees) water. Follow the packet directions. Add in a 1 Tablespoon of sweetener such as honey, agave nectar or EcoBloom. Stir gently and set aside while the bacteria begin to multiply. Allow the culture started mixed with sweetener to sit for at least 30 minutes.starter kit
  5. Using your food processor with the grater/shredder attachment, grate the carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, onions, celery, and at least ½ to 1 whole head of cabbage. (Remember to save enough cabbage leaves, one for each jar of cultured vegetables.) Put the shredded veggies in the large bowl or multiple bowls. shredded veggies
  6. Cut the cucumber into small ½ inch cubes and mix with the shredded veggies.cucumber
  7. Stir in the cilantro.
  8. Take out a 1/2 cup of the veggie mixture and put it in the blender with about 2 cups of distilled water.  Puree the mixture to form a brine.  Add the culture starter, if using, to the brine and mix well. Pour the brine into the bowl of vegetables and combine.blender
  9. Tightly pack the vegetables into the mason jars using your fist, leaving at least 2 inches of space at the top of the jars. Dip the cabbage leaves into some brine, roll them, and wedge them into the jars to force the shredded veggies below the surface of the brine.  Twistthelidson to the jars very tightly.
  10. Set the jars in a dark place at room temperature for 5 days, undisturbed.  After five days, try the veggies. If you want a stronger taste, leave the other jars at room temperature for up to 7 days. At the end of this time, wipe off the jars (some seepage or foaming may have occurred) and place in the refrigerator.  The vegetables are ready for eating at this point, although they will continue to improve over time.  They will keep for many, many months in the refrigerator.

Important – When stirring the starter culture, only use either a glass, wood, or plastic utensil to stir – never metal.

NOTE: If you choose to double or triple this recipe, you do NOT need to use multiple packets of the Body Ecology culture starter.  Just one is all you need!

Delicious ideas for how to use your fermented vegetables:

1.  As a side dish.

2.  Added to salads.

3.  As a sauce or topping.

4.  On a wrap or sandwich.

5.  As a dip.

6.  As a condiment.

7.  Use the juice to flavor soups and sauces.

8.  Mix with avocado to make guacamole.


A lot of my clients tell me their children don’t like the taste of coconut. One way that I’ve found most children will eat coconut without realizing it is by making coconut rice.

Health Tip

What makes my recipe different from others is that I add an extra step – browning the rice before cooking it. Browning the rice first will burn off some of the carbs and make it easier to digest. Also, it gives the rice a nutty, light flavor which is always a crowd pleaser.

Another reason this rice is healthier than standard rice is because of the added coconut, which is a healthy fat. Coconut fats have special fats called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). It has been shown that breaking down these types of healthy fats in the liver leads to efficient burning of energy. For more information on the health benefits of coconut click here.

Here is my recipe:


2 cups organic white Jasmine rice

2 cups Native Forest coconut milk

1 cup vegetable broth

1-2 tablespoon coconut oil


  1. Add coconut oil to saucepan and heat on med-high setting.
  2. Add rice to coconut oil, stirring continually, and allow the rice to brown for 5-10 minutes. Keep an eye on it so it doesn’t burn.
  3. Add the coconut milk and broth and bring to a boil. Stir it occasionally to keep the rice from clumping together.
  4. Reduce heat and simmer with a tight-fitting lid for 15 minutes or until all the liquid is absorbed.
  5. Take it off the heat and allow to sit for 5 minutes before serving.


I like to double the recipe and then freeze half of it for a future meal.


Have you ever thought about making your own mayonnaise?

If you have access to high quality organic or farm fresh eggs, it is easy to make your own and you know exactly what’s going into it! While store-bought mayo is convenient, most of it contains hydrogenated soybean oil and preservatives. Homemade mayo on the other hand is packed with protein and good fats.


1 large egg yolk

1 tsp lemon juice

1 tsp apple cider vinegar

¼ tsp Dijon mustard

Pinch of sea salt

¼ cup olive oil

½ cup avocado, walnut or olive oil


  1. In a food processor blend eggs, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, Dijon mustard, and sea salt. Pulse until combined.
  2. With the blender on low, slowly add the oil one drop at a time until the mixture resembles mayonnaise (makes about a cup).
  3. If you prefer to make a sauce, blend until it reaches the consistency you desire.

To make pesto mayo, add 3 fresh basil leaves plus 1 garlic clove and 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil to step 1.

To make lemon dill mayo, add the zest of 1 lemon and 2 tsp fresh dill to step 1.

Or if you prefer to make a Hollandaise sauce …

The mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.


Adapted from Against all Grain by Danielle Walker

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