Author: Jenna Lynn Blaze


What Are Nightshades?

The nightshades are members of family of plants called Solanaceae. For example, tomatoes, potatoes (not sweet potatoes or yams), eggplant and peppers—this means all peppers including chili peppers, Habanero, cayenne pepper and paprika (not peppercorns). Other nightshades include goji berries, ashwagandha, Cape gooseberries (not normal gooseberries), ground cherries and garden huckleberries.

Who May be Especially Sensitive to Nightshades?

  • People who suffer from inflammation and joint pain
  • People sensitive to weather changes
  • People with muscle pain and tightness and morning stiffness
  • People with poor healing, arthritis, insomnia and gall bladder problems
  • People with heart burn or GERD

Why Are Some People Sensitive to Nightshades?

  • Because overconsumption of calcitriol from nightshade foods can circumvent the kidney’s control and over time lead to calcium deposits in the soft tissues such as the tendons, ligaments, cartilage, cardiovascular tissues, kidneys and skin.
  • Because of Solanine, a potent poison found in species of the nightshade family (especially potatoes and eggplant). Solanine is poisonous because it inhibits the breakdown of acetylcholine, resulting in increased level and duration of action of this neurotransmitter. What does this mean? It causes prolonged muscle contractions. This is why people who are sensitive to nightshades or eat a lot of them often feel stiff when they wake up in the morning or sit for extended periods. Solanine affects the gene expression of human intestinal cell linings, inhibits proteolytic enzyme activity, and destroys human liver cells.
  • Nightshades contain nicotine, which is why they can be addictive. A large body of research shows that nicotine consumption inhibits proper healing.

Are Nightshades Causing Your Medical Problems?

  • Try removing all nightshades from your diet for at least six weeks. Many people notice an improvement in their pain; sometimes it goes away completely.
  • If you avoid nightshades for six weeks, yet your pain has not decreased, do a “nightshade party day”: salsa and eggs for breakfast, tomato and eggplant for lunch, potatoes for dinner. Eat as much as you can in one day and then watch for symptoms over the next two days. Often there is a delayed onset reaction.

Bottom Line Recommendation:

  • Even if you are one of those lucky people who don’t seem to have trouble with nightshades, it’s a good idea not to overdo.
  • Avoid having nightshades with every meal. Vary your diet. Sweet potatoes, yams and parsnips are good substitutes for potatoes. You can steam cauliflower and mash it with butter and cream. As a substitute for chili pepper, use wasabi, horseradish, mustard powder, ginger, or freshly ground peppercorns. There’s no good substitute for tomatoes, so learn to use them sparingly.
  • Cooking reduces the solanine levels in potatoes somewhat, and may even help reduce other toxins. So if you are eating nightshade foods, cook them in butter or poultry fat—this is a synergistic combination because these fats provide vitamin K2. And you’ll end up eating less of the nightshade foods because when you cook in good fats, you are more quickly satisfied and end up eating less.
  • For those who are sensitive to nightshades, the best strategy is to avoid them completely for a long time, until you can completely heal.

My Thoughts:

I know, for my clients, it is especially hard for them to give up tomato sauce. Here is a link to a recipe for “tomato-less” tomato sauce. Also, there is a company that sells tomato-less tomato sauce. Their product is called Nomato.



Source and Full Article: Weston A. Price Foundation


Toxicity from daily living is happening for all of us. Understanding how we can support our body in decreasing these toxins is crucial for our health.

Each child born is now entering life with hundreds of toxins, chemicals, and radiation in their systems. Then, they are bombarded by:

  • Pesticides and herbicides
  • Chemicals added to foods
  • GMO foods that have the ability to change our genetics
  • Vaccines
  • Toxins, drugs, and metals found in our water and air

These toxins can cause further problems by:

  • Increasing inflammation
  • Creating an ideal environment for pathogens to multiply
  • Decreasing our body’s ability to defend itself
  • Decreasing our cellular health

Toxins contribute to the following health problems:

  • Inflammation
  • Detox pathway breakdown
  • Gall bladder and liver issues
  • Diabetes
  • Hormonal problems
  • Nervous system problems
  • Infections
  • Colon problems

How to decrease our toxic load:

  • Eat organically and avoid GMO foods
  • Eliminate bad habits, like smoking and eating processed foods
  • Take supplements
  • Exercise
  • Use non-toxic household products

Byron White Formulas are often helpful for people who need to detox. They have several formulas to help with this effort. In my practice, I have seen Byron White formulas decrease symptoms, lower the toxic burden, support the body in the healing process (recovery and regeneration), and help the body to better cope with drug toxicity from prescription medications.

I am trained in how to use these formulas to promote better health. Please contact me if you are interested in learning more.



Source: Byron White Formulas Blog



Source: The Paleo Diet


The Paleo Diet is based upon eating wholesome, contemporary foods from the food groups our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have thrived on during the Paleolithic era, the time period from about 2.6 million years ago to the beginning of the agricultural revolution, about 10,000 years ago.

Decades of research by Dr. Loren Cordain and his scientific colleagues demonstrate that hunter-gatherers typically were free from the chronic illnesses and diseases that are epidemic in Western populations.

Foods on the Paleo Diet include fresh meats (preferably grass-produced or free-ranging beef, pork, lamb, poultry, and game meat, if you can get it), fish, seafood, fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and healthful oils (olive, coconut, avocado, macadamia, walnut and flaxseed). Dairy products, cereal grains, legumes, refined sugars and processed foods were not part of our ancestral menu.


  • Higher protein intake – Protein comprises 15 % of the calories in the average western diet, which is considerably lower than the average values of 19-35 % found in hunter-gatherer diets.
  • Lower carbohydrate intake and lower glycemic index – Fresh fruits and vegetables represent the main carbohydrate source and will provide for 35-45 % of your daily calories. Most of these foods have low glycemic indices and therefore, won’t spike blood sugar levels.
  • Higher fiber intake – Dietary fiber is essential for good health, and despite what we’re told, whole grains aren’t the place to find it. Vegetables are a healthier source of fiber.
  • Moderate to higher fat intake dominated by monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats with balanced Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats – It is not the total amount of fat in your diet that raises your blood cholesterol levels and increases your risk for heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes, but rather the type of fat. Cut the trans fats and the Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats in your diet.
  • Higher potassium and lower sodium intake – Today, the average American consumes about twice as much sodium as potassium because we eat so much processed food. Cut processed foods from your diet and raise your potassium level to where it should be.
  • Net dietary alkaline load that balances dietary acid – Eat foods that promote proper acid/alkaline balance so that you have optimal digestion.


  • Grass-produced meats
  • Fish/seafood
  • Fresh fruits and veggies
  • Eggs
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Healthful oils (Olive, walnut, flaxseed, macadamia, avocado, coconut)


  • Cereal grains
  • Legumes (including peanuts)
  • Dairy
  • Refined sugar
  • Potatoes
  • Processed foods
  • Salt
  • Refined vegetable oils

If you’re looking for some recipes, check out my Paleo Recipes Pinterest Board:

Here are some other good websites/blogs for additional information and recipes:


More people than ever are seeking natural health remedies that are safe and effective. The truth is that all living organisms are created with the innate ability to heal. When you cut your finger, you do not have to tell your body what to do. Healing begins on its own and your body orchestrates the process without any outside guidance. This is true for all organs and tissues.

Modern life, however, has created challenges that are staggering and quite difficult for the body to overcome on its own. Environmental toxins, pesticides, over-medication (such as over-use of antibiotics), the SAD (Standard American Diet and the unhealthy propagandized Food Pyramid, food additives and genetically modified foods (GMOs) are only just a few. However, there are answers to overcome the madness.

With the correct nutrition, information and tools, natural healing is achievable. Natural healing that is deep and permanent takes time and effort, but there is great reward when we take responsibility for our own health, respect our body’s innate healing abilitites, and provide for ourselves the tools and energy needed to heal.

If you are seeking true health and natural ways to support your body and mind on your healing journey, you have come to the right place. This blog is a work in progress, so look forward to many additions and much new information in upcoming weeks and months. My goal here is to inspire, educate and assist you on your path of healing.

The mainstream medical approach focuses on suppressing symptoms instead of allowing the body to rebalance and heal. If you have regular migraines and can’t function without that prescription drug you take for them, you might be thinking, “What’s so wrong with suppressing those symptoms?”

Well, here’s the deal. By continually suppressing symptoms without looking for and removing the underlying cause it becomes easy to ignore the real problem. The migraine symptoms are simply the alarm your body is using to get your attention. If that alarm is silenced, the underlying cause (diet, toxin load, nutritional deficiencies, gut dysfunction and dysbiosis … or whatever the cause may be) is allowed to fester and even grow stronger eventually bringing more harm in the longrun than the original migraine symptoms ever could.

Additionally, we are all becoming more and more aware of adverse drug reactions and side effects. Often with prescription medication we trade in one problem for 2 or 3 new ones, all the while putting an extra heavy burden on our liver to process these chemical compounds that are synthetic and foreign to our body.

There are many ways to help your body achieve true healing. As you explore this blog, my hope is that you will find a few ideas that will work for you right now and move you forward in your health journey.

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