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After several years of working successfully as a practitioner and seeing my clients my clients heal and transform, I began to experience significant challenges in my own personal health.



During this time a passion for helping other mothers and their children began to grow inside of me. I saw so many mothers running their children to the doctor continually for repeated rounds of anti-biotics and other suppressive medications and surgeries (ear tubes, tonsils removed, etc.). I began teaching my friends basic homeopathy and how to take care of their own children effectively. I discovered I had a natural gift for teaching and I was able to help many.


COMING IN OCTOBER on Thursdays, a six-week web-based workshop designed to allow parents to help their children reach their potential. Topics to include:


eflyer July 15


I am grateful for the experience of Lyme. It sounds backwards, but Lyme was the blessing that set me free. It set me free from my old ways of being, unhelpful beliefs, and limitations. I am grateful for the healing tools I learned during the healing process: a new way to use homeopathy, herbs and plants, nutrition and healing with foods, vibrational healing and subtle energy alignment, energy medicine, lightwork, prayer and meditation, mindfulness, and gratitude.

I am so grateful to be healed and I know that if it happened for me, it can happen for anyone, whatever the chronic disease name may be. Accepting life’s challenges and pain with gratitude and curiosity can allow us to open up and receive the grace of healing which I believe is truly offered to everyone who chooses to receive.

Things I learned in the school of Lyme:

1. Listen to the wisdom of the body.

2. Gifts are not always wrapped in pretty packages – sometimes the best gifts of all are in a crumpled paper bag. Gratitude for all things brings true peace and joy.

3. Letting go of the life we planned allows us to accept the better life that is waiting for us; life is a continual process of doing this over and over again. Strength is found when we EMBRACE the constant changes of life instead of pushing against them.

4. I can live without the things I always thought I could not live without – and life without them is better than life with them! True joy is found in letting go of what we think we need, so we can accept the best things.

5. Symptoms are not punishment, but doorways to truth, learning, healing and freedom.

6. God really is LOVE, really is HERE, and really does HEAL.

7. There are no limits except those we place on ourselves. Life conforms to our beliefs. If we belive we are sick and hold onto “the diagnosis” – whatever label it is – we will keep getting more of the same. If we believe we can heal, then we CAN. Healing, living, loving and the love of the Divine have no limits, none at all.

8. “We hold the past in our body – let it dissolve.” ~~ Baron Baptiste ~~ The past can dissolve when we choose love, forgiveness, gratitude, and truth. But we have to really choose it at the deepest level, really choose it in not only thought, but in the fabric that weaves through our life.

9. We are all here in the world with a Divine plan, a soul purpose.

10. I am here, and so are you, to make a difference. There is no better time than now.




“The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health; that is, the lifting and annihilation of the disease in its entire extent in the shortest, most reliable, and least disadvantageous way, according to clearly realizable principles.”

— Hahnemann, from Organon of the Medical Art

Homeopathy was discovered over 200 years ago by German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) however, the basis of homeopathy has been around since the ancient times. Homeopathy is popular and widely practiced all over Europe, South America, and India because it has proved to be effective throughout almost two centuries of practice. Today we are seeing a resurgence of interest in homeopathy in the U.S. as alternatives to traditional medicine gain new acceptance.

Homeopathy is a method of self-healing assisted by small doses of natural remedies and practiced by licensed physicians and other health professionals throughout the world.

Core beliefs in homeopathy:

  • The body continually tries to heal itself. Homeopathy simply assists in that process. Homeopathy works energetically, as it stimulates your body’s own vital force and re-establishes balance in the entire being.
  • Homeopathy treats the whole person and not just the symptoms of the disease.
  • Homeopathy is based on the belief that like cures like which is referred to in homeopathy as the “Law of Similars.” The Law of Similars states that the same substance that produces disease symptoms in a healthy person, when given in concentrated doses, can also cure a sick person with similar symptoms, when given in very diluted form.
  • Vital Force is the body’s guiding intelligence; the body’s “energy level.” Properly prescribed homeopathy enhances the vital force.
  • Health is a state of freedom at three levels – physical, emotional, and mental.
  • Symptoms are the outward and visible signs of the inward disturbance of the vital force which causes disease. If you remove the disturbance in vital force, the disease will go away (based on Principles and Art of Cure by Homeopathy, author H.A. Roberts).

Unlike western medicines with their many side effects, in homeopathy, less is more—the remedies are so highly diluted that the treatment yields no side effects and is safe even for babies, animals, and pregnant women. Homeopathy can treat minor or acute problems as well as chronic and long-term ailments.

For examples of how homeopathy has helped people I’ve worked with who had both chronic and acute symptoms click here.


“Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.”

– Arthur Ashe

We can work in each area of our lives to raise our frequency: on a physical level, a mental level, an emotional level, and a spiritual level. I have provided several ideas below for how to raise your frequency in each of the four areas of being. You can choose what resonates with you. Adopting even one of the principles in the lists below will cause a positive shift in your life experience. It may be a very subtle shift, but you will experience it and it will allow for greater awareness and positive movement in your life.

The questions to ask yourself to determine your frequency are:

  • Am I living to my fullest potential, experiencing joy in everyday life?
  • How often do I laugh?
  • How do I take care of myself – physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, financially, and interpersonally?
  • Do I feel comfortable telling the truth (in love) even when doing so might create a conflict or hurt someone’s feeling?
  • Am I living my truth or compromising in one or more areas?
  • Am I living a life of joy or settling instead for comfort?

Our feelings reveal our vibration. When reading through these questions consider how answering them made you feel. Truth has the highest vibration.

Some suggestions for how to raise your frequency on a physical level:

  • Eat high frequency foods – raw, organic, fresh, grass-fed meats, wild caught fish. Choose consciously what you put into your body.
  • Drink clean, pure water – drink, in ounces, at least half of your body weight (pounds). For example, a person that weighs 120 lbs would need at least 60 ounces of water per day to be hydrated. Homeopathic Bioplasma is helpful for cellular hydration as well.
  • Move and breathe every day. Move and stretch when you wake up. Five minutes can make a big difference. Breathing exercises such as rhythmic and deep breathing refresh the body and give it more oxygen to release toxins. Breathing and movement also help balance the energy body. Consider activities like yoga, tai chi, walking in nature, and massage.

Some suggestions for how to raise your frequency on a mental level:

  • Exchange unhelpful beliefs for those that are in harmony with who you are. Think of a belief you have about yourself or your life that is not helpful. This will often show up in your mental thinking as a question you ask yourself that starts with, “Why can’t I …”
  • Be aware that what you take in at the mental level will greatly affect your frequency. Consider the books your read, the movies you watch, the music you listen to. Read books that inspire you and make you feel good about yourself and the world.

Some suggestions for how to raise your frequency on an emotional level:

  • Carefully select the people you choose to spend time with. Spend time near people, places, things which inspire you, challenge you, make you laugh, are authentic, that cause you to love life.
  • Instead of being controlled by your thoughts and emotions,  become more aware of them and CHOOSE to focus on the things that make you feel good. This is not the same as “positive” thinking.

Some suggestions for how to raise your frequency on a spiritual level:

  • Be present – If you have tried this at all in your daily life, you will know it is easier said than done. Past memories, worries of the future, random thoughts of the mistake you made yesterday (or last year), even thinking of the fun plans for tomorrow can steal the joy of today.
  • Be grateful – Take time to BE grateful. Really FEEL gratitude. Take at least 5 minutes each day to be grateful. Write someone a thank you note, pray, or journal (see www.createwritenow.com for ideas). Feel the emotion of gratitude. What does it feel like to you?

These are just a sampling of ideas for how to raise your frequency level. There are many more ideas and suggestions. Raising your vibration will not only affect you, but will contribute to the world around you. We can bring up the vibration of the world, starting with ourselves.




“I have decided to be happy, because it is good for my health.”



“If I told patients to raise their blood levels of immune globulins or killer Tcells, no one would know how. But if I can teach them to love themselves and others fully, the same change happens automatically. The truth is: Love heals.”

-Bernie Siegel, MD

Energetic Healing

We are Energetic Beings. We are made of energy … in fact everything in the world is made of energy – molecules, bacteria, food and drink, supplements, medications … even emotions and thoughts have a frequency or energy signature. Each cell in your body pulses electrically, and the body itself emanates electromagnetic fields.

Eastern medicine has known this for centuries. This is a foundational principle of homeopathy as well. Over two hundred years ago, Samuel Hahnemann, German physician and founding father of homeopathy, taught that all disease is caused by energetic imbalances. Finally, science is catching up and is able to prove this with new science.

Work in this area has revealed that the energy frequency of a healthy cell has a different frequency from an unhealthy cell. Every problem, thought, and emotion has its own unique frequency. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D, former professor and cellular biologist at Stanford University, discovered that the most efficient way to heal any problem, whether it is physical, emotional, or systemic, is through changing its frequency by using energy treatments. Dr. Lipton has proven that our perceptions and beliefs shape and change our DNA.

People who are not healing (or not living an optimal life) hold a belief at the cellular level that the world is a dangerous place. Thus, most of their energy (this can be conscious or unconscious) is spent in self-protection and is not available for living at a high level. Various tools such as homeopathy, energy medicine, meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, sound and color therapy, among others, all increase vibration. Intentionally raising our personal vibration or frequency can have a profound on our life, other around us and in the world.




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