COMING IN OCTOBER on Thursdays, a six-week web-based workshop designed to allow parents to help their children reach their potential. Topics to include:
COMING IN OCTOBER on Thursdays, a six-week web-based workshop designed to allow parents to help their children reach their potential. Topics to include:
“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself.
The challenge is to silence the mind.”
-Caroline Myss
Bone-based broths have a long history as a beneficial food for people recuperating from illness, child-birth or surgery. They are nutrient-dense, easy to digest, rich in flavor and easy for the body to assimilate. Bones used to make stocks are filled with minerals that many of us don’t get enough of, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and others.
Also, bones contain cartilage, collagen and marrow — substances found in no other foods. Collagen is the source of bone broth’s immune-boosting properties.
Gelatin in bone broths contains amino acids arginine, glycine, glutamine and proline. These amino acids also contribute to stock’s healing properties.
4 quarts of filtered water
1 whole organic/free range chicken (remember you can use any type of protein)
1 garlic clove (more/less to taste)
2 Tbsp organic apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice)
1 Tsp unrefined sea salt (more/less to taste )
1 bay leaf
1 small onion
Fresh ginger (peeled)
Fresh turmeric (teaspoon dry powder can be replaced for fresh)
3 stalks organic celery
University of Nebraska Medical Center. “Chicken Soup for a Cold” http://www.unmc.edu/publicrelations/chickensoup_newsrelease.htm (accessed 21 October 2011).
Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers. They travel in your bloodstream to tissues or organs. They affect just about everything in your body such as:
Here are steps you can take to balance your hormones naturally:
Avoid vegetable oil, peanut oil, canola oil, soybean oil, margarine, shortening, or other chemically altered fats. Instead eat: coconut oil, real butter, ghee, olive oil (low temperature only or use as salad dressing) and a fish that is high in Omega-3 at least once a week.
Cut down on the caffeine, if you can. Replace your caffeinated drink with organic herbal teas. Numi Organic’s Emperor’s Pu-Erh tea has a full-bodied taste like coffee and is delicious with cream. Caution: Pu-Erh tea contains caffeine, although not as much as other teas. However, it is full-bodied like coffee, so can be helpful when trying to break the coffee habit. Pu-erh also contains antioxidants and other substances known to protect the heart. Organic teas such as peppermint, ginger and licorice are free of caffeine and very satisfying as well.
Toxins are pretty much everywhere in today’s world, but there is a lot we can do in our everyday lives to make good choices. Choose your household cleaners and personal products with care. Hormone disrupting chemicals are found in pesticides, plastics, household chemicals, and mattresses. Birth control pills also contribute greatly to hormone imbalance in women. Make wise choices to take care of your body.
Cook in glass or enamel coated cast iron pans (avoid Teflon). As much as possible, store foods in glassware, and minimize the use of plastics. Choose organic produce and meat whenever possible. Use clean, non-toxic household cleaners, or even consider making your own (watch for a post on this topic in the near future!). Consider buying a mattress cover to keep from breathing the chemicals emitted from your mattress as this is a much less expensive option than buying an organic mattress. Another option is to buy a sleep number mattress as they are filled with air instead of chemicals.
If you aren’t getting enough sleep, your hormones will not be balanced. Sleeping eight hours per night can improve hormones and is even linked to longer life, less chance of disease, and weight loss.
Ideally, our diet would be balanced enough to keep our hormones at optimal levels. However, if your hormones are not in balance (with the help of a healthcare professional) you can consider trying:
When toxins are removed and organs and glands are supported, the body can often rebalance its hormones effectively. Sequential homeopathy provides an effective and simple way to gently detoxify the energetic residue and toxic effects of birth control pills and other toxic exposures that contribute to hormone imbalance. Sarcodes, or remedies made from healthy glandular or tissue extract, can also be helpful to rebalance hormones and bring them their optimal vibration.
If you have hormone imbalance, intense extended exercise can actually make the problem worse in the short-term. Try to walk for at least a half hour a day or do another light form of exercise like yoga or Pilates. Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise, three times a week.
Coconut Oil is extremely beneficial for hormone health. It provides the necessary building blocks for hormone production, can assist weight loss, reduce inflammation, and even has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Try to consume 1/4 cup of coconut oil a day.
Incorporate more fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, plus raw nuts and seeds (soaked and sprouted whenever possible) into your diet. Foods such as processed carbohydrates, fried foods, soft drinks, enriched flour, processed vegetable oil and soy products may alter hormone balance. Avoid non-organic dairy products which may contain harmful bovine growth hormones, steroids and antibiotics.
Remember to make time for yourself at least once a day. Find small ways to incorporate rest and relaxation throughout the day. Be present. Breathe. Smile and laugh. Consider learning some form of yoga or meditation. Trauma and trapped emotions can contribute to any physical symptom pattern in the body, and hormone imbalance is no exception. Symptoms are only a message from the body. When we understand the message, the symptoms can go. Energy healing sessions can bring healing to the root cause, allowing for trauma (and symptom) release.
Please stay tuned for future posts where I will discuss natural ways to support your adrenal gland (your ability to deal with stress), thyroid gland (your metabolism), and pancreas (blood sugar/maintain healthy insulin levels).
Did you try eating a gluten-free diet without seeing significant improvement in your health? Yesterday, in my post, I spoke about one of the possible reasons for this. Removing corn from your diet is important in order to truly be “gluten-free.” Today, I want to explain another reason some people don’t see improvement in their persistent health problems simply by eliminating gluten from their diet… dairy. Removing dairy from your diet is another important step in order to truly determine if a gluten-free diet is key for your healing.
Researchers have identified that dairy proteins can affect as much as 50% of those with gluten problems. A quote from a research study is listed below:
“Patients with celiac disease (CD) on a gluten-free diet may still have gastrointestinal symptoms. On clinical grounds cow’s milk (CM) protein sensitivity may be suspected…A mucosal inflammatory response similar to that elicited by gluten was produced by CM protein in about 50% of the patients with celiac disease. Casein, in particular, seems to be involved in this reaction.”
Source: Clin Exp Immunol. 2007 Mar;147(3):449-55.
I would encourage a dairy free diet for at least 6 months when initially going gluten-free. This will allow time for your digestive system to heal.
Remember, just because your doctor’s test did not show you have a sensitivity to gluten, there’s no guarantee that gluten is not slowing down your healing. Health is a choice we make every moment – what we choose to put in and around us, conversations we choose to listen to, things we choose to eat and drink – all impact the rate at which we heal. You have the power to choose the rate of your healing by the simple choices you make every day.
Through Applied Kinesiology, I can determine the foods most optimal for your healing – what to limit and what to avoid completely.
Source: Gluten Free Society
Many times, my clients will tell me that a gluten-free diet did not improve their health in any noticeable way. However, when I ask them a few follow-up questions, I often discover what may be the reason they did not see their negative symptoms improve. One of the biggest reasons for this is that people who go on a gluten-free diet tend to begin eating large amounts of corn.
Corn is in virtually all of the pre-packaged gluten-free foods (they contain corn gluten or corn byproducts). In addition, corn is used in the production of sweeteners, shampoos, soaps, plastics, fuels, etc. On top of that, all of our domesticated farm animals are fed staple diets of genetically modified corn. The only way to avoid eating corn in your beef is to buy grass-fed. It is easy to see why the typical American is eating an over-abundance of corn in their diet.
Since 1978, there have been a number of studies investigating whether or not corn gluten is a problem for patients with gluten sensitivity. There are multiple studies showing that corn has a negative effect on patients with celiac disease. Here is a quote from a recent study:
“Maize is used as an alternative to wheat to elaborate foodstuffs for celiac patients in a gluten-free diet. However, some maize prolamins (zeins) contain amino acid sequences that resemble the wheat gluten immunodominant peptides… “
At this point there is ample evidence to consider corn gluten as a major contributor to gluten related illnesses. Regardless of gluten content, a diet high in corn is not conducive to good healing. A TRUE gluten-free diet eliminates all forms of gluten – including corn gluten.
If you even remotely suspect that you may be sensitive to gluten, I urge you to give the gluten-free diet a try (including the elimination of corn). Sadly, statistics show that those with gluten sensitivity will go on to develop 7 + autoimmune diseases in their lifetime.
In my next post, I will discuss another hidden source of gluten for those attempting to follow a gluten-free diet. Stay tuned.
Source: Gluten Free Society
Flatbread is delicious and easy to make. It is perfect for breakfast bread, a quick snack/side or to make a flatbread pizza. There are many variations on how to make a gluten-free flatbread. My recipe is gluten, soy, yeast, egg, and dairy free. Please click on the pictures in this post for links to other flatbread recipes.
The concept and theory of miasms originated in the field of homeopathy almost 200 years ago. German physician Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, introduced the term miasm in his book, The Chronic Diseases, published in 1828. His miasm theory was the result of 12 years of painstaking work on the most difficult chronic cases in his clinical practice, in addition to his own historical research into the diseases of man.
As are most new and ground-breaking ideas, the introduction of his miasm theory was met with much skepticism. However, over the years the theory has been studied and embraced by healers around the world.
What is a miasm?
Who has miasms?
Miasms apply to everyone – we all carry miasms in a dormant or latent state. They can be activated or awakened in a person’s life through various circumstances such as:
How do people acquire miasms in the first place?
Hahnemann believed that miasms were driven into the DNA (or genetically imprinted) as a result of many of the suppressive therapies commonly used in his day. Hahnemann explained that suppressive therapies drive the disease deeper into the system, allowing for a more chronic condition to be created and exacerbated. Examples of suppressive therapies used today are:
To understand this better lets look at a concrete example. Steroid creams are commonly used today to treat skin eruptions such as eczema, poison ivy, or other forms of allergic skin reactions or rashes. However, the nature of steroids is simply to short-circuit the immune response. The root issue – whatever is causing the rash (such as a virus, an allergen, or bacteria for example) – is not eliminated from the body or cured by the steroid. Instead, the body’s reaction to it is suppressed, or turned off.
A healthy body will try to expel a virus through the skin – the skin is a direct exit route on the surface of the body. But when steroids are used, the cause of the skin issue is suppressed and driven deeper into the system. The skin is our largest detoxification organ and will help bear the load of the liver and kidneys when they are over-burdened. However, if a virus for example, is attempting to exit through the skin, what do you think will happen when its exit path is shut down? If the cause (the virus for example) is unable to move upward through the skin, it will have to find a new place to rest in the body.
You see, the skin would be the best way out of the body, but if its pathway is blocked, the virus has to go somewhere else. The virus has no other choice but to go deeper into the system.
One common pattern seen when skin eruptions are suppressed over time is lung congestion. In medical literature, there is a link seen between suppressed eczema and lung problems such as croup, asthma symptoms, and so forth. The point here is that when disease is suppressed, deeper issues are created, and miasms can be activated or created as well.
How many miasms are there?
There are five primary miasms and several secondary miasms. The five primary miasms are:
Miasms explained – Part 2
In part two of this post, I will give an overview of what the five primary miasms are, their symptoms, and how treating them can improve your health and get to the root cause of chronic disease.
What Are Nightshades?
The nightshades are members of family of plants called Solanaceae. For example, tomatoes, potatoes (not sweet potatoes or yams), eggplant and peppers—this means all peppers including chili peppers, Habanero, cayenne pepper and paprika (not peppercorns). Other nightshades include goji berries, ashwagandha, Cape gooseberries (not normal gooseberries), ground cherries and garden huckleberries.
Who May be Especially Sensitive to Nightshades?
Why Are Some People Sensitive to Nightshades?
Are Nightshades Causing Your Medical Problems?
Bottom Line Recommendation:
My Thoughts:
I know, for my clients, it is especially hard for them to give up tomato sauce. Here is a link to a recipe for “tomato-less” tomato sauce. Also, there is a company that sells tomato-less tomato sauce. Their product is called Nomato.
Source and Full Article: Weston A. Price Foundation
Toxicity from daily living is happening for all of us. Understanding how we can support our body in decreasing these toxins is crucial for our health.
Each child born is now entering life with hundreds of toxins, chemicals, and radiation in their systems. Then, they are bombarded by:
These toxins can cause further problems by:
Toxins contribute to the following health problems:
How to decrease our toxic load:
Byron White Formulas are often helpful for people who need to detox. They have several formulas to help with this effort. In my practice, I have seen Byron White formulas decrease symptoms, lower the toxic burden, support the body in the healing process (recovery and regeneration), and help the body to better cope with drug toxicity from prescription medications.
I am trained in how to use these formulas to promote better health. Please contact me if you are interested in learning more.
Source: Byron White Formulas Blog
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